Arua Church of Christ was the beneficiary of some of the tailoring equipment donated to West Nile Bible School. This church is part of West Nile Bible school and is their satellite school because of the long distance that students have to travel to their main campus at Nebbi. So since the majority of tailoring students are from Arua church and the neighboring congregations, they wisely extended this service nearer to the students because of their conducive church facility.
Maximillah, Wilson and I conducted a seminar was aimed at guiding the enrolled students and their tutor on how to use the Seekers Bible Study series and other NLBI lessons concurrently with tailoring training. Discipleship of the learners using this rich and well- researched material will produce a Christ-like tailor and skilled servants to be sent into the community to best represent Christ and the church at their workstations.
By the end of the seminar, they fell in love with NLBI materials. We left the instructor with printed hard copies of all the 10 lessons, and the flash disk that has all the curriculum.
Here are comments two participants made after the the seminar and Vocational Department launch.
"We are very grateful for NLBI. This seminar has challenged my understanding of God. Most of the time we say, “God is all powerful, all knowing, is everywhere,” but we don't really stop a minute and think about these realities deeper like I have done today. You have challenged me to see myself in the eyes of God. If my redeemer who indwells me is everywhere and all knowing, then I must be extra careful with my behavior as I serve Him. Nothing about me is hidden from Him."
"I need to repent. I have not been intentional in having a personal intimate relationship with God. I say I love God, but I don't create ample time to listen to him or talk to him without distraction. I don't read the Bible as if I am talking to God. Honestly I have not been helping my kids to understand that they need to talk to God regularly by reading His word. NLBI lessons were designed for a person like me. I am going home a different person.”
Thank you very much for supporting this work.
-Duncan Ojiambo